Monday, July 27, 2015

Digital Whispers Challenge - Marie Antoniette

I love Marie Antoniette! My muse took me in a strange direction this time, though. I think it was because I just bought a new kit by itKuPiLLi. You have to go weird with her stuff! :-)


Lori Saul said...

Great use of this new kit and love the refernce to Marie- this is so creative and outside the box Bill- love it!

pchickki said...

You always make me smile Bill
This is just amazing and yes Itkupilli has some unique things in her kits.
Thanks for playing Bill

Sim said...

Hahaha! This is excellent dear Bill!
I adore this strange M-A hidden somewhere in the station...
I can't stop lauhghing! :D

Deann said...

You are a wild and crazy man this is hysterical.

Unknown said...

Well, that's.... different. So much fun! I love itKuPiLLi kits - every one I see, I want.

M said...

dang, I would rather eat cake too!