Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Flowers - Father's Funeral

I can only think of a couple of "nice" things that happen at funerals. My father's funeral was this past Saturday April 22. He would have turned 88 on the 28 th. of this month. As difficult as it is to say goodbye to loved ones, it is nice to see friends and family that you haven't visited with in too long of a time. It reaffirms friendships and family relationships.

I'm not sure where the custom of sending flowers came from, but it is always nice to see the beautiful flowers. Maybe they serve as a reminder that for the rest of us, life goes on along with all it entails. I took a picture of the arrangement my wife had made to serve as a reminder of that day.



The Gossamer Tearoom said...

A really beautiful arrangement of flowers, Bill. As always, our thoughts are with you.

Your friends,
Betty & Victor

Bill said...

Thanks so much!