Thursday, August 25, 2011

Liberate Your Art Swap Blog Hop

I was able to participate in a fun postcard swap called "Liberate Your Art." It was hosted by Kat at KatEye Studio. The premise was simple. Each of the participants created a postcard, and mailed 5 copies of it plus postage to Kat. Once she received all the postcards, she mailed them back out through snail mail. It was quite fun to receive 5 different postcards from people I've never met before. Kat even made it more suspenseful by mailing them out on different days. Actually, we received 6 postcards. Kat designed one herself, and sent a copy to each of the participants. From Friday today, August 26, through Sunday, August 28, you may visit each of the blogs  owned by each photographer or designer and see the many different creations.

The postcard below is the one I created and Kat mailed to 5 artists. We don't even know who received our postcards. This blog hop will be the first time we've found out.

By the way, you may see a larger version of each picture just by clicking on it.

I created my postcard digitally using Adobe Photoshop CS2. I've had a thing for mermaids lately, because I took an e-course about drawing and painting mermaids taught by Suzi Blu. The little man I used is my Billizetti character. I love all kinds of zetti art, and my screen name is Billizetti in many of the groups I've joined through the net.

Now unto the postcards I received through the mail!

This first postcard was created by Deanna Jinjoe. She titled it "Budding Beauty." Deanna took this photo herself. It is so lovely! I can imagine myself looking at this postcard many times when winter hits us a few months from now. Oh. That's such a nasty thought!

I was quite happy when I received this second postcard. It was created by Carolyn Summers. It is a copy of an oriental digital collage she created. It just so happens that I know Carolyn through blogland. We participate together in several different digital art challenges, and visit each others' blogs frequently.

I really like this one. It was created by Maureen Nichols. What is it about bird houses that is so interesting? Maybe it's because we never know what's going on inside!

This postcard has such a fantastic message. The message was physically stitched unto the postcard. It was created by Patty Waite. I especially like this message, because I am currently creating a digital zine for the Yahoo Group "14 Secrets." The title of the zine is "We Collect Joy." Serendipity strikes again!

I wish I was standing right in the middle of this postcard. Summer has been very hot here in Michigan. The photo looks so refreshing, and was taken by Angela Vular.

Isn't the color of this last postcard wonderful? It is a picture taken by the hostess of this swap, Kat Sloma. Kat offers online photography workshops, and if you are interested in seeing what she is currently offering, be sure to visit her site:

Now if I post this correctly, and I understand this correctly, you should find a link list below of everyone who participated in the swap and has made a post to their blog. I know all of them would appreciate it if you stopped by and left a comment! It's a great way to meet artists new and old. Enjoy your surfing!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Junibears said...

What a terrific collection of postcards you received Bill. A wonderful idea! xx

Amanda Mills said...

Hi Bill!
Thanks for stopping by my blog
Love your postcard, and these are all very creative, loving the second one best.

-Amanda in Baltimore

Anonymous said...

Hello Bill or William or Billiam

Well, I have participated in Liberate Your Art and I've bloghopped to your site from my blog in Kent, England.

Nice to meet you!

Ann Isik

Seth said...

What a fun project and a great set of postcards.

Kat Sloma said...

It worked! It worked! :) I'm having fun hopping around visiting you all. How fun that you got a postcard from someone you already know - it was completely random how they got swapped out! Thanks so much for your participation. It's good to see Billzetti liberated to more places in the world!

Unknown said...

oh, these are WONDERFUL!!! This is so much fun going to all the blogs-better than trick or treating!!

Anonymous said...

Bill, I LOVE your art!! What wonderful postcards you received! They are all so beautiful.
I think I will enjoy visiting and seeing more of your art. said...

Oh how wonderful... nice to meet you Bob!
These are beautiful, such treasures to have, love it!
So far, I have not come across any two alike :]
Isn't it inspiring to receive "mail art" ?! Life doesn't get any better than this.
Have a wonderful weekend. said...

How wonderful, these postcards are fantastic!
Nice to meet you, Bob.
It is so inspiring to receive "mail art" and spread art love!
I enjoyed participating as well as blog hopping for this swap, what an incredible event Kat organized :]
Have a great weekend.

Chelsea said...

I love how different they all are!

Jo Murray said...

Great collection Bill, and yours enhances the set.

patty said...

Hi Bill,

How fun to find my postcard here!! I had no idea where they went.... each one was different and this is the first I have found. Thanks for posting it and have fun hopping around!!

Deborah Tisch said...

Really having fun looking at what people received! Thanks for sharing the beautiful art that came your way!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Hi Bill! I love your interpretation of Suzi's mermaid. :) Great stuff! And I find birdhouses interesting, too.

Marji said...

Nice collection you received, Bill. Thanks for coming by.. and yep, mermaids are really cool.

GailO said...

What a beautiful variety of postcard art you received! It was fun taking part in the swap:)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Great job Bill! I love what you created and enjoyed looking at what you received. That red birdhouse is incredible!

Tangerine Meg said...

What a lovely bunch of art you got, Bill. Thanks for saying hi at my blog, too!

Anonymous said...

oooo I love the hand stitched card. It is old fashioned and makes me happy. :o) I have been wanting to learn digital collage..I bought a new computer this year with photoshop..but then summer happened and I went outside. LOL I'll be back to see what you are up too!

Anna said...

What a fun postcard you created! Looks like you received some beauties. This was a delightful exchange and I so enjoyed the variety of the cards that I received. Thanks for stopping by and yes, the beadwork is my own :)

Anonymous said...

What fun your card is. Love it! You received grand ones right back!

Ashley Sisk said...

What a neat collection of cards - I love that the one even was stiched! How cool.

Cara said...

Wow, great cards. This was a fun project to be a part of and get some great mail.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful collection. I love your art, mermaids are amazing aren't they! ;)

Kristin Dudish said...

Hi Bill!

What a wonderful and diverse group of postcards you received! This is so much fun!!!

I hope you've had a swimmingly good summer too :)

giddy up said...

Bill... Your post card is great and what a nice selection og cards you received in the mail. What great fun this has been... I am going to come back to check out your blog when I am done hopping.

Rosie Grey said...

It's so amazing how many different postcards there are and each and everyone so beautiful! I love your postcard, too! :-)

Judee said...

Love your character. You got some good artwork in the mail.

Susie said...

Love the card you created. Anything oceany is wonderful! Thanks for sharing the gorgeous cards you received. It is fun hopping through the blogs to see all the wonderful creative endeavors.

K8 said...

so much fun I am having checking out everyone's blogs! Can't wait to explore yours some more...looks like you received some awesome cards in the swap!

Laura lok said...

such variey in all the postcards. blog hopping alittle late due to a short vacation but enjoying myself. hope you did too

Darlene Cunnup Photography said...

ok I am late getting to view the blog hop - due to being so tired from chemo and the hurricane here on LI over the weekend. I love your post and you blog I quickly looked at it but loved the work.