Thursday, February 16, 2012

Life Book Class Continues

This project turned out rather funny, but I actually like what I ended up with. It made me laugh, and I'm finally learning it's okay to laugh at our own work. The end result isn't the healing part; it's the process that counts. I'm still learning how to work with mixed-media. The assignment was to put a "transfer" of a picture of ourselves on a piece of watercolor paper, paint over it adding some craziness to it, and then copy a list of words we were given. I've tried transfers before, and have never gotten them to work. But to my great surprise, this one actually worked! I wanted to stop right there. I was so excited! But I went ahead and followed the assignment. (I'm going to do another transfer and do something leaving the transfer as is.) Here is the result. Live long and prosper!


Linda Gibbons said...

Bill, I didn't know you were a Trekkie!. a very cool page!

M said...

This is cool! I think you did a great job at drawing yourself! I love the glittery gold star trek emblem. Looks like you had a lot of fun making this.