Monday, August 22, 2011

College Obsession Challenge - Roots

I actually created this last night for my friend Marguerite in California who is going through a rough time. People you think you can count on can be very disappointing at times. Sometimes, all the time! We have to grow ourselves some pretty strong roots if we are going to survive.

If you would like to see what others have created for the "roots" challenge, here is the link to the Collage Obsession blog:


Anonymous said...

Well said. You are a wonderful friend.

M said...

Thanks Bill! I agree with Jan: You ARE a wonderful friend! I am blessed to have you in my life!

Christine said...

Deep inside I know you're right, but I like to think we can count on some real friends, it conforts me...

Junibears said...

Some people are special friends and you are such a one Bill. Hugs xx

Junibears said...

I thought I had already commented on this. A great collage Bill and you are the greatest friend! xx

Eila A said...

What a great quote - "Make your own roots grow deep"! I'm sure your friend really appreciates this wonderful collage of you have made. Thank you for participating in the challenge!

Deann said...

Sad but true I'm enter the stage alone and you leave the end I think it's about learning to love yourself as much as it is about loving others.
A beautiful collage and poem by the way...great job Bill!!