Wednesday, June 29, 2011
June at Dezinaworld is going to be giving away some of her beautiful collage sheets like the one below when she reaches 500 followers on her blog. She is almost there. Click here to find out what you need to do for a chance to win. I love roses, so I wouldn't mind winning a copy of this one.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
A Present From Brazil!
Wow. When I retired, I never expected to receive presents from all around the world! (I forgot to mention that June mentioned in a post below lives in England.) Today I received a picture created by Christine in Brazil. Her blog is in case you would like to visit it. Somehow she found out I always wanted to be a beach bum. Now that I'm retired, it would be a good time to become one!
I wonder if this beach is in Rio de Janeiro? I bet that would be a fun place to live. Thank you so much, Christine!
I wonder if this beach is in Rio de Janeiro? I bet that would be a fun place to live. Thank you so much, Christine!
Another Present - A Moose
Lani Gerity, the famous puppet maker, sent me a retirement present! Yay. It's a moose. I love moose. They are so big and funny looking that I consider them kin. Thank you so much, Lani, for the wonderful picture!
Being very inspired, I had to write a poem.
Being very inspired, I had to write a poem.
Who Stole My Moose?
I went outside
to see my moose,
but to my surprise
he’d gotten loose.
Where could he be?
They’re hard to hide.
Did someone take him?
I ran inside.
I grabbed the phone
to report the theft.
“Just calm down.
You sound quite bereft!”
Then I heard a noise
and went out to see.
There stood my moose
with a family!
Two Pictures from Blog Friends
Two of my best blog friends created pictures for me in honor of my retirement. I have to share them with you!
The first is from Junibears. Her blog is:
I hope you'll visit her blog and see all of her beautiful digital creations.
My second friend is Grannie Annie. Her blog is:
Who could ask for kinder friends than these two wonderful ladies?! Thanks so much, my friends.
The first is from Junibears. Her blog is:
I hope you'll visit her blog and see all of her beautiful digital creations.
My second friend is Grannie Annie. Her blog is:
Who could ask for kinder friends than these two wonderful ladies?! Thanks so much, my friends.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Mad Retirement Tea Party Today!

If you don't feel like listening to music during this mad tea party, please pause the song playing. Otherwise, you may go completely mad! Of course, that is the whole idea of a mad tea party, isn't it?
Please click on any picture if you would like to see a larger size.
Please click on any picture if you would like to see a larger size.
I bet you were expecting to walk into a room. Surprise! I hope you're not afraid of the dark!
Ah. This looks more like a mad party!
Hey! There's Bill!
Find yourself a cup and hunt around for your favorite kind of tea.
Don't be afraid of the zetti creatures ahead. They love parties!
Monica, try having a cup of tea. You'll feel much better!
Bill's retiring, you know. Did you bring him a gift? He sure hopes so!
Look out below! The Japanese ladies are collecting the makings for their famous Bird Droppy Doop tea.
Anyone for some fresh Bird Droppy Doop tea?
"Man, I've gone to all this work, and I haven't seen one retirement present yet!"
Say, while we're walking around trying to find the other tea, maybe you'd like to see some of my zetti art.
Are there any ladies here today looking for a rich, older gentleman? I've spotted a couple of interesting characters straight ahead. I wonder what they're saying?
"Excuse us, please," said Grannie and June. "This is all well and fun, but we're still waiting for tea!" "Oh look, Grannie," June said as she pointed. "There it is!"
Don't worry, Eeyore. I'm sure the Queen of Tarts brought some lemon cookies with her. They must be on that table over there.
In case any of you actually prefer a more formal tea, here is the spot for you. We may be mad here, but we aren't uncivilized!
Oh look! How nice. Some people from the High School where I use to have my office are here. They've even come in zetti attire!
Oh oh. The person in the purple hat up there can't spell "wear." That's alright. It's a mad party anyway!
There was another retirement party for me last week, and I'll sneak in a few pictures here in case you want to see them. I just hate, though, how the camera adds 30 pounds to only some people!
Wasn't it worth looking at all those pictures just to get to this cake?
If you're having a boring time, I might recommend you trying some of Carlos' tea. All the girls at work think he's really cute.
I hope Carlos' tea took your boredom away. If you still need more excitement, there is a little clip below you can watch.
(If you didn't turn off the music above before, please do so now before watching the clip.)
Well that was fun. Hey! I see a few more folks from work. We better go over there and hear what they're talking about. I guess they didn't get the message they were suppose to dress in zetti costumes.
Because she was the boss, Ryan. Not because she's blond and good looking!
As usual, you can see how they always display their best sides. I didn't notice any presents from them, either. Did you? I hear they spend all their money on booze anyway. But it is a stressful life being a computer tech! Oh, wait. There's one more person I worked with.
Hey! I got one present. I knew I could count on Deb! Well, time is flying. I'm old. I'm retiring. I see you've drunk up all the tea and eaten all the cookies. I say it's time for everyone to go home and take a nap. I hope you had a good time. If you didn't, here's a few more zetti pictures to view on your way out. I always like my guests to leave with a smile!
May zetti madness always brighten your day!
All of the artwork in this post was created by me with a few added elements from some digital scrapbook kits. (By CrowaboutStudio B, Tangie Baxter, Holliewood, and Marta Van Eck) I didn't put my initials on the new work I created just for this party, because I thought you might get tired of seeing them. WJC. WJC. (Hopefully nobody steals anything.) I'd like to give a special thanks to five wonderful people who created their own zetti characters to come to this mad tea party - June, Marguerite, Judy, Grannie Annie and Chris. I also thank Teesha and Tracy Moore for the wonderful zetti rubber stamps they created and I used in much of my art.
There are many more Mad Tea Parties being held today throughout blogland. You can find where they are by visiting Vanessa, the hostess with the mostess, has a beautiful blog at all times of the year!
There are many more Mad Tea Parties being held today throughout blogland. You can find where they are by visiting Vanessa, the hostess with the mostess, has a beautiful blog at all times of the year!
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